Slides of my Siegmundsburg-Workshop online

The slides of my talk “Decentralized optimization via funnel coupling” (joint work with Jin Gyu Lee (now Cambridge University, UK), Hyungbo Shim (Seoul National University, Korea) and Thomas Berger (U Paderborn, Germany)) given at the Siegmundsburg Workshop in Ilmenau are now available on my Talks site.

Final versions of CDC papers uploaded

I have uploaded the final version of my three accepted CDC papers

Lee, Jin Gyu; Trenn, Stephan

Asymptotic tracking via funnel control Proceedings Article

In: Proc. 58th IEEE Conf. Decision Control (CDC) 2019, pp. 4228-4233, Nice, France, 2019.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Trenn, Stephan; Unger, Benjamin

Delay regularity of differential-algebraic equations Proceedings Article

In: Proc. 58th IEEE Conf. Decision Control (CDC) 2019, pp. 989-994, Nice, France, 2019.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Anh, Pham Ky; Linh, Pham Thi; Thuan, Do Duc; Trenn, Stephan

The one-step-map for switched singular systems in discrete-time Proceedings Article

In: Proc. 58th IEEE Conf. Decision Control (CDC) 2019, pp. 605-610, Nice, France, 2019.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Indiscernibility paper to appear in Automatica

Our paper

Patil, Deepak; Tesi, Pietro; Trenn, Stephan

Indiscernible topological variations in DAE networks Journal Article

In: Automatica, vol. 101, pp. 280-289, 2019.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

was recently accepted for publications in Automatica, as soon as I have the final bibliographical data I will update the corresponding entry in my publication list.