I have uploaded the final version of my three accepted CDC papers
Lee, Jin Gyu; Trenn, Stephan Asymptotic tracking via funnel control Proceedings Article In: Proc. 58th IEEE Conf. Decision Control (CDC) 2019, pp. 4228-4233, Nice, France, 2019. @inproceedings{LeeTren19, Funnel control is a powerful and simple method to solve the output tracking problem without the need of a good system model, without identification and without knowledge how the reference signal is produced, but transient behavior as well as arbitrary good accuracy can be guaranteed. Until recently, it was believed that the price to pay for these very nice properties is that only practical tracking and not asymptotic tracking can be achieved. Surprisingly, this is not true! We will prove that funnel control – without any further assumptions – can achieve asymptotic tracking. |
Trenn, Stephan; Unger, Benjamin Delay regularity of differential-algebraic equations Proceedings Article In: Proc. 58th IEEE Conf. Decision Control (CDC) 2019, pp. 989-994, Nice, France, 2019. @inproceedings{TrenUnge19, We study linear time-invariant delay differential-algebraic equations (DDAEs). Such equations can arise if a feedback controller is applied to a descriptor system and the controller requires some time to measure the state and to compute the feedback resulting in the time-delay. We present an existence and uniqueness result for DDAEs within the space of piecewise-smooth distributions and an algorithm to determine whether a DDAE is delay-regular. |
Anh, Pham Ky; Linh, Pham Thi; Thuan, Do Duc; Trenn, Stephan The one-step-map for switched singular systems in discrete-time Proceedings Article In: Proc. 58th IEEE Conf. Decision Control (CDC) 2019, pp. 605-610, Nice, France, 2019. @inproceedings{AnhLinh19, We study switched singular systems in discrete time and first highlight that in contrast to continuous time regularity of the corresponding matrix pairs is not sufficient to ensure a solution behavior which is causal with respect to the switching signal. With a suitable index-1 assumption for the whole switched system, we are able to define a one-step- map which can be used to provide explicit solution formulas for general switching signals. |