Final versions of CDC papers uploaded

I have uploaded the final version of my three accepted CDC papers

Lee, Jin Gyu; Trenn, Stephan

Asymptotic tracking via funnel control Proceedings Article

In: Proc. 58th IEEE Conf. Decision Control (CDC) 2019, pp. 4228-4233, Nice, France, 2019.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Trenn, Stephan; Unger, Benjamin

Delay regularity of differential-algebraic equations Proceedings Article

In: Proc. 58th IEEE Conf. Decision Control (CDC) 2019, pp. 989-994, Nice, France, 2019.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Anh, Pham Ky; Linh, Pham Thi; Thuan, Do Duc; Trenn, Stephan

The one-step-map for switched singular systems in discrete-time Proceedings Article

In: Proc. 58th IEEE Conf. Decision Control (CDC) 2019, pp. 605-610, Nice, France, 2019.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Indiscernibility paper to appear in Automatica

Our paper

Patil, Deepak; Tesi, Pietro; Trenn, Stephan

Indiscernible topological variations in DAE networks Journal Article

In: Automatica, vol. 101, pp. 280-289, 2019.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

was recently accepted for publications in Automatica, as soon as I have the final bibliographical data I will update the corresponding entry in my publication list.

Detectability paper accepted in Automatica

Our paper

Tanwani, Aneel; Trenn, Stephan

Detectability and observer design for switched differential algebraic equations Journal Article

In: Automatica, vol. 99, pp. 289-300, 2019.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

is accepted for publication in Automatica as a regular paper. Once the exact publication details are available, I will update the information on my Publication page and will also add a doi-link.

New Automatica Paper Online

Our Automatica paper 

Küsters, Ferdinand; Trenn, Stephan

Switch observability for switched linear systems Journal Article

In: Automatica, vol. 87, pp. 121-127, 2018.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

is available online now. It will appear in the January issue in 2018. Under this link the full version can be downloaded in the next few weeks for free.

CDC 2017 final preprints online

For the CDC 2017 in Melbourne my coauthors and I have submitted four papers which were all accepted for publication. We have now prepared the final versions and I have uploaded the preprints:

Iervolino, Raffaele; Trenn, Stephan; Vasca, Francesco

Stability of piecewise affine systems through discontinuous piecewise quadratic Lyapunov functions Proceedings Article

In: Proc. 56th IEEE Conf. Decis. Control, pp. 5894 - 5899, Melbourne, Australia, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Kausar, Rukhsana; Trenn, Stephan

Impulses in structured nonlinear switched DAEs Proceedings Article

In: Proc. 56th IEEE Conf. Decis. Control, pp. 3181 - 3186, Melbourne, Australia, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Küsters, Ferdinand; Patil, Deepak; Trenn, Stephan

Switch observability for a class of inhomogeneous switched DAEs Proceedings Article

In: Proc. 56th IEEE Conf. Decis. Control, pp. 3175 - 3180, Melbourne, Australia, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Küsters, Ferdinand; Trenn, Stephan; Wirsen, Andreas

Switch-observer for switched linear systems Proceedings Article

In: Proc. 56th IEEE Conf. Decis. Control, pp. 1749 - 1754, Melbourne, Australia, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

The publications are also listed on my Publications site or on the subsite Conferences. I will be in Melbourne myself and I am looking forward to interesting discussions about our results.

Conference publication list online

A list of all my conference papers is online now. However, I haven’t added the links to the preprints yet, some abstracts and some (doi) links to the original-article are missing and I also haven’t added tags yet. I will do this in the next few days.

[Update] All preprints, abstracts, missing links and tags are added now.