IFAC Interactive Paper Prize Finalist

Our IFAC paper

Küsters, Ferdinand; Trenn, Stephan; Wirsen, Andreas

Switch observability for homogeneous switched DAEs Proceedings Article

In: Proc. 20th IFAC World Congress 2017, pp. 9355 - 9360, Toulouse, France, 2017, ISSN: 2405-8963.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

was finalist for the IFAC Congress Interactive Paper Prize! After the original certificate had some typos we now have received a corrected version:

CDC 2017 final preprints online

For the CDC 2017 in Melbourne my coauthors and I have submitted four papers which were all accepted for publication. We have now prepared the final versions and I have uploaded the preprints:

Iervolino, Raffaele; Trenn, Stephan; Vasca, Francesco

Stability of piecewise affine systems through discontinuous piecewise quadratic Lyapunov functions Proceedings Article

In: Proc. 56th IEEE Conf. Decis. Control, pp. 5894 - 5899, Melbourne, Australia, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Kausar, Rukhsana; Trenn, Stephan

Impulses in structured nonlinear switched DAEs Proceedings Article

In: Proc. 56th IEEE Conf. Decis. Control, pp. 3181 - 3186, Melbourne, Australia, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Küsters, Ferdinand; Patil, Deepak; Trenn, Stephan

Switch observability for a class of inhomogeneous switched DAEs Proceedings Article

In: Proc. 56th IEEE Conf. Decis. Control, pp. 3175 - 3180, Melbourne, Australia, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Küsters, Ferdinand; Trenn, Stephan; Wirsen, Andreas

Switch-observer for switched linear systems Proceedings Article

In: Proc. 56th IEEE Conf. Decis. Control, pp. 1749 - 1754, Melbourne, Australia, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

The publications are also listed on my Publications site or on the subsite Conferences. I will be in Melbourne myself and I am looking forward to interesting discussions about our results.

Conference publication list online

A list of all my conference papers is online now. However, I haven’t added the links to the preprints yet, some abstracts and some (doi) links to the original-article are missing and I also haven’t added tags yet. I will do this in the next few days.

[Update] All preprints, abstracts, missing links and tags are added now.